PORN FREE life crew


Mission: Lead each other to freedom and fullness in Christ from lust of various forms particularly porn, through accountability, openness, transparency, and building of self discipline to prevent failure.

Keys to Reach Freedom:

Accountability- depending on the needs of each member leaders will check in with one another through facetime or in person contact. This will prevent ease of deception when it comes to progress or lack of progress while adding to the brotherhood of showing love, compassion, and celebration in its greatest effect.

Openness/Transparency- Leaders will be expected to admit downfalls to show humanness in group. The transparency will show we are all people with a common fight and that leaders aren’t leaders because they’re stronger, but because they fight harder. Everyone will be challenged to share progress. If progress is reached we spur each other on. If it is not we listen first and speak last. The likelihood is that the person knows the answers already therefore not always needing them but instead will thrive most by encouragement; by reminding the damage it does and the hope it has on the other side. That fighting for Gods best is always better than if we never fought at all.

Self Discipline- The group will have a culture of sharing and celebrating how we win together. Together we will be active in cleansing ourselves of triggers such as particular peoples we follow on social media and avoidance of the movies/shows we consume. We will encourage reaching to one another when we struggle.

completely anonymous sign up below, only you and our porn free life crew leader will know you signed up, and they alone will contact you.